How many hours a day do you spend on social media or watching "how-to" YouTube videos?
Have you set water-tight ground rules for the other people in your home?
Are the dings and pings coming from your electronics interrupting your concentration?
Work From Home Series
The issue with your brain is that it is conditioned to seek out distractions.
It has become a daily habit for many people, dare say even a compulsion, to obsessively check social media, have multiple browsers open, allow all notifications from apps, multi-tasking, etc.
When we work from home, this type of chaotic environment undermines our attention and constantly takes us away from focusing and completing our important work that move the needle on our projects, goals and the bottom line.
Organizing & Productivity Solutions: Managing Distractions
Reduce Distractions
Exercising control and managing distractions in your home environment is a serious advantage to working from home.
The secret to excellent time management is actually mind management. That means eliminating, reducing and managing distractions that repeatedly tempt your mind to wander.
There is no one asking you "just one quick question" or telling you about the fantastic movie they saw on the weekend but there are distractions when working from home that will derail your focus if they are not managed.
Managing distractions allows you to concentrate on one task at a time and keep your work flowing to stay on the productivity track.
Suggested Ways to Manage Distractions
Turn off all phone and computer notifications.
Keep social media tabs closed on your laptop to prevent temptation and only check your social media feeds on breaks or after work hours.
Keep the TV off (background music is ok).
Do your hardest work when your brain is the most active.
Focus on one task at a time.
Ear plugs or headphones - helps with noise and makes you feel like you have more privacy, helping you focus.
Take regular breaks.
Pay bills, do your online shopping, go to the gym or run other personal errands during scheduled breaks or when you are off the clock.
Schedule Breaks
Scheduling shorter and longer breaks while working from home is vital for your focus and productivity.
It's easy to get distracted by the many things that have to be done around the house during the day so use your short breaks to throw in a load of laundry, sweep the floor or check your social media (checking work email is NOT a break).
Take longer breaks to eat lunch (not at your desk, please) or to leave home and get some fresh air - go for a walk, run an errand, just leave.
Without regular breaks, the output and quality of your work substantially decreases.
If distractions during the day are unavoidable, ask your employer about working evening hours or alternate remote locations.
We already know that distractions will knock you off your productivity track every, single time. Attention management is a powerful tool and is the secret sauce of people who are productivity masters.
Create boundaries and ground rules for family/kids. Ask yourself what boundaries you need between work and your home life.
If anyone else is going to be at home when you're working, they have to be clear that when you're in your work from home office, you're working, even if it looks like and feels like you're hanging out at home.
When you are sitting down to focus on work, turn off your phone and TV (background music that isn't distracting is ok).
Minimize your email inbox and turn off all notifications. You get to decide when it is convenient for you to return phone calls and process your emails.
Resist the urge to check your social media accounts, the stock market or Google as these things are all designed to keep you going down as many rabbit holes as possible for as long as possible.
Block time in your calendar to complete work and stick to it.
Work from Home "Homework"
- Make a list of your worst distractions.
- Write rules and clear boundaries on how you will counter your biggest distractions.
- Make an agreement with yourself to stop doing these things.
Work From Home Plan
We offer a personalized and professionally prepared Work From Home Plan for only $497+GST!
Your Work From Home Plan includes:
- 60-minute virtual "in-home" workspace assessment
- Personalized 10 point organizing & productivity plan
- 90-minute virtual implementation session
- 30-minute virtual evaluation call
My Gift to You
Click HERE to download our FREE Making Work From Home Work guide.
More Work From Home Blog Posts
The first blog in our Work from Home Series focused on Your Physical Space.
The second blog in our Work from Home Series focused on Your Digital Space.
The fourth blog in our Work from Home Series focused on Getting It Done.
The fifth blog in our Work from Series focused on Routines for Success.
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