Freedom Flyer Success Stories

Freedom Flyer

Success Stories From Freedom Flyers

Here is what some of our Freedom Flyers are saying about their experience with OMS and the positive impact that transforming and unlocking freedom in their spaces has created in their lives.

This can be you too! We encourage you to become a Freedom Flyer and share with us your success story to help inspire others.

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Jessica's Story

Jessica is a very busy mom, wife and small business owner. She struggled with the piles of paper that came home with her kids from school. Home cooking is a must for her family so they have a big kitchen pantry and an even larger back stock pantry. Her kids (Isaac & Keira) outgrew many of their toys and they were ready to move onto the next phase. Here is what Jessica had to say after we freed up her living room from the piles of paper, decluttered her kids rooms and toy room and reorganized her pantry areas....

From our very first meeting, it’s been such a pleasure to work with Noreen at Organize my Space.  She’s warm, professional, supportive and encouraging.  Plus she has fantastic ideas for how to best sort and organize a space!  
Together, we were able to really clear things out and I can’t believe how much better the spaces function!


With a busy life of working, raising 2 kids, moving homes and many renovations, the home quickly reached a point where it was full, and difficult to deal with.  My husband and I had a hard time getting ahead and many areas of home felt overwhelming to even get started on.  It felt stressful being in the home, causing anxiety and a feeling that I could never relax at home, there was always something to do. Noreen was wonderful at helping us tackle many areas of the home, including the kids rooms, a very full toy room.


She has a really efficient system to get things moving and it makes it feel manageable. Together, we were able to really clear things out and I can’t believe how much better the spaces function!  It’s created a big momentum, I’ve been continuing to clear out corners and closets in my home using her strategies.  It feels very energizing and motivating and not so overwhelming now.
It’s really true that your outside world is reflective of your inside world.  As my home gets more clear, I feel like my stress and anxiety levels are going down.


Freedom Flyer Jessica

Noreen was very easy to work with. She was helpful when it came time to decide what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to get rid of. The change from when we started working on my room to the final result was huge and it was a pretty painless process. My space felt cramped because of how disorganized it was and Noreen was able to help me get rid of things I didn't need and organize the things I decided to keep. I would highly recommend her.


Noreen is a helpful, kind and funny person. She is very organized and it makes life easier. Cleaning up is way less boring because of her funny and amazing personality. My desk was full of junk and was overflowing with papers that I didn't need, want or know where to put them. She helped me by putting little boxes into my desk so I could keep my stuff in each one. Now I know where everything is in my desk thanks to super, awesome Noreen.


Freedom Flyer Isaac Keira

Laura's Story

Laura and her family were planning a total kitchen and main floor renovation. She knew she needed to declutter and sort all of these areas before the renovation started. As Laura was very motivated, it didn't take us long to organize her utility closet, kitchen cabinets, pantry and living/dining room cabinets. When the contractor showed up, they were ready to go! Once the renovation was complete, it was a breeze for Laura to put everything away as her things were already purged, sorted, containerized and labelled. Now that's how you do it!

With a full kitchen and main floor renovation looming, we knew we needed to clear out the clutter that had accumulated over 20 years. 


We knew we needed to make way for the vision we had of our home as a modern, decluttered and functional space. The task seemed monumental and I honestly had little idea where or how to even begin. With Noreen’s organizational expertise, we followed her simple step by step process and we transformed all of our spaces!


Now when I am home instead of feeling smothered by too much stuff and disorganization, I feel peace, joy and sense of freedom to be able to just live and really enjoy my life. Thank you so much Noreen!


Freedom Flyer Laura

Tina's Story

Tina is a very busy lady! When she isn't working as a hair stylist you can find her in the kitchen experimenting with delicious recipes for her new at-home vegan meal preparation business called Simmer. Tina struggles with a smaller space and limited storage. A lack of storage space is a common client complaint but this is rarely the real issue. It always comes down to having too much stuff. During our first Virtual Organizing session, we talked about the basic principles of organizing which are declutter/eliminate, sort like with like and containerize. Kitchens accumulate a lot of clutter with all of those single purpose gadgets and the pretty bowl sets we just had to have. Well, Tina took my expert advise to heart. She decluttered, put all like items together and created conveniently placed zones. Now her kitchen is a super organized dream and she is ready for the launch of her amazing new business!

I contacted Noreen from Organize My Space because I felt frustrated and unable to create in my tiny kitchen. 


I'm starting a food based business, so I needed to streamline my space. Noreen's virtual organizing service offered me a roadmap of solutions to transform my small space into a highly functional working kitchen.


I am filled with gratitude for the impact this unique and personalized service has had to help me grow my business. Thank you Noreen!


Freedom Flyer Tina

Sally's Story

Sally is a very successful and highly educated professional women working in the oil and gas industry. She contacted me during the COVID-19 lockdown as she wanted to use this time at home to organize her closet. Because it was during the lockdown, we were not able to complete this project in-person so this is where virtual organizing comes in! Sally is excellent at starting and finishing DIY projects on her own, so my virtual organizing service was perfect for her. Over zoom, we discussed her goals and frustrations. She showed me her closet space and we talked about solutions and systems. After our call, I provided Sally with a detailed organizing plan including easy to follow steps and suggested organizing products based on her needs and vision for her space. Sally got to work and transformed her clothes closet! It now contains only the clothes she actually wears and loves. Her closet is organized into categories of work clothes, casual clothes and workout clothes and is as functional for her as it is beautiful. Great job Sally and I'm so happy to have been able to support you in this way!.

Freedom Flyer Sally
Testimony David
Jessica Testimony
Testimony - Rhonda