Productivity Mastery Key Five – Routines

By Noreen Music | Productivity

Oct 18
Productivity Mastery - 5 Keys to Overcome Productivity Overwhelm

Are you done with feeling so overwhelmed with your out of control email inbox, and the stacks of cluttered papers and sticky notes all over your desk?

Do you end your day with more tasks on your to-do list but you worked yourself to the bone?

Have you ever wished you could start your day with a well prepared routine, clear-headed, energized, and excited to make it happen?

You know what? You CAN.

Here's the secret keys.

5 Keys to Overcome Productivity Overwhelm

By following the 5 key steps in our Productivity Mastery series, you WILL....

  • Create a vision for your life that you will be so excited for it will make you want to jump out of bed in the morning!
  • Know exactly what you are busy about....and get it done.
  • Take total control of the only thing we each have the exact same amount of every single day....time.
  • Get your email inbox to zero and keep it that way so your email isn't running you, you are running your email.
  • Unlock the secret potential of your future hidden in your daily habits.

Productivity Mastery Key Five - ROUTINES

Weekly Planning Routine

Once a week, sit down and review/update all of your lists. It could be Friday afternoon (my recommendation), Sunday night or Monday morning.

Based on what you identify as your highest priorities for the upcoming week, *
block the appropriate amount of time in your calendar to accomplish these tasks. Do not name the calendar with the specific tasks you have identified - only block "Project Time", "Client Care", "Accounting/Admin" and so on.

At the end of every day (my recommendation) or first thing every morning, 
quickly scan all of your lists and write on a sticky note or in your paper planner the 1-3 top most important tasks you must complete that day.

Another tip to stay super organized is your email inbox, paper inbox, paper filing systems and all tasks lists should mirror each other as much as possible.

If you have time in the day, scan your lists again to see what else you can cross off but if you don't have the time, you know you will or have accomplished what is most pressing.

Keep capturing tasks from all of your various sources (emails, incoming paper, meeting action items, verbal requests, customer phone calls, etc.) and grow or shrink your lists as you complete tasks, get new projects or as things change.

Your lists are dynamic and reflect the ebbs and flows of your work and home life.

*The calendar blocking technique is discussed in our blog Productivity Mastery Key Three - Commitments.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Weekly planning routine
Setting Morning & Evening Routines

A productive day starts the night before.

Think about your current evening routines. What can you do the night before to make your day as stress-free and organized as possible?

End the day well. Review your master action list to pull out your top 1-3 priorities for tomorrow. Prepare the files you will need for tomorrow's projects or meetings. Review and block your calendar. Clear out your email inbox. Clean off your desk.

It is important to start your day as prepared as possible by planning ahead of the day and to clear the slate at the end of the day to give you a fresh start the next morning.

Being organized in advance keeps your stress levels down as you feel confident in your preparations.

You will set yourself up for increased productivity and calm with the morning and evening routines you establish.

Daily habits
Evaluate Routines

With the fast paced nature of business, shifting expectations, and changing priorities your daily routines, and productivity work practices must also change to keep up.

In fact they are changing right now whether you want them to or not!

This is why our last step is challenging what's working for you and what's not by examining your newly established routines, and productivity practices.

Think about these 3 things – what’s right, what’s wrong and what’s missing.

It is important to regularly assess and adapt your activities to make sure they are as effective as possible.

Evaluation shouldn't just occur at the end of your Productivity Mastery journey. It's a continual process to ensure you are growing. learning, and tweaking your processes, and practices to maintain your hard earned productivity levels for the long term.

Structure equals FREEDOM!!

Evaluate routines


You have now completed the Productivity Mastery 5 Keys to Overcome Productivity Overwhelm and you are an unstoppable Productivity Master!

Making these powerful changes to how you work has a domino effect on living better overall.

All of the time and energy you have spent working on and mastering these 5 keys has contributed to your improved performance, reduced procrastination, and alleviated stress in the following ways:

  • More productive, efficient, and much less frustrated at work.
  • Workspace feels calmer, more spacious, and in control.
  • Immense sense of pride and sense of achievement in what you have accomplished. You feel happier and healthier.
  • You are no longer overwhelmed, weighed down or held back by inefficient work practices.
  • Better prepared to face the future and the changes that will come.
  • Less stressed as you have established solid priorities, practices, and routines that keep you calm and in control.
  • More energy and time to spend with the people you love.
  • Created space where you can experience the freedom to pursue your passions and creativity.
Productivity Mastery 5 Keys

Claim Your Exclusive Productivity Mastery E-Book

I truly hope you found the information in this blog useful, helpful and transformational.

I want you to experience the freedom and success that getting organized and more productive brings.

The whole reason my company exists is to support you to move from frustration and overwhelm
to confident and in total control of your work.

To claim your copy of my exclusive Productivity Mastery 5 Keys to Overcome Productivity Overwhelm e-book (valued at $49), use the link below to download your copy of this valuable resource.

You are ready for this!

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I am here for you.

Find your freedom.
Live your life.



About the Author

My passion is helping people find lasting freedom in their homes and businesses through my transformational organizing services and productivity solutions.

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