Making the Most of Your Challenges

By Noreen Music | Book Writing

Nov 29
Making the Most of Your Challenges

Making the Most of Your Challenges

"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Your challenges and difficulties are the lessons you need to learn and grow.

They are not a reason to stop moving forward and give up on your dream.

You can change how you view difficulties and use them to your advantage and growth.

Read on and enjoy the next excerpt of my book.

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Challenges Are the Lessons You've Been Waiting For

Challenges are part of everyday life.

However, there are certain points in our lives when a challenge turns into a time of great adversity and hardship.

We sense in these dark and fearful moments that our very survival depends on the decisions we make.

The question to ask yourself is...will this challenge break you or will it be a breakthrough?

As you stand at the crossroads, you need all your strength and wisdom to make this weighty decision.

Now is not the time to base your next move on a whim or out of habit and repeat the past.

This moment is also not the time to beat yourself up with guilt, blame, or shame. 

Instead, ask yourself these 3 constructive questions:

  • Is this a challenge I should try to repair, or should I take in the lessons and leave it in the past?
  • Who do I know that has faced the same kind of challenge and came out okay?
  • How can I dig deeper inside of myself, beyond this challenge, to create a clear and optimistic path forward?

Challenges Cannot Be Avoided

Times of challenge in life cannot be avoided. Mistakes and failures are inevitable. Stress is a given.

As people living on this earth, we experience many highs and lows, fear and freedom, love, and hate, pain, and pleasure.

All your mistakes, failures, and challenges can be used for your good and growth.

The ugly.

The beautiful.

The hard things.

If life was always smooth sailing, you would never experience the refining of your soul.

These hard lessons sharpen your character, your strength, and your faith.

Seasons of challenges are meant for your good, not to harm you.  

Find your freedom.
Live your life.


Small Book Cover Photo

The Unexpected Entrepreneur: Now You're Here, Make a Difference While Making a Living

This book will give you the productivity skills and resources to help you make a difference while making a living. What if you could ditch your distractions and break free from overwhelm to create focus and achieve more than you ever thought possible? What would your life look like if you used doubt and fear as steppingstones to live with greater confidence? Perfectionism will no longer poison your mind or keep you from reaching your goals as you embrace the "perfectly imperfect" mindset.

When you've finished reading this book, you will have laid a strong foundation to transform your physical, digital, and mental spaces so that you can enjoy greater freedom and success in your entrepreneurial journey.


About the Author

My passion is helping people find lasting freedom in their homes and businesses through my transformational organizing services and productivity solutions.

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