FREE GUIDE: Keeping Your Home Organized

By Noreen Music | Organizing Resources

Jun 01
Keeping Your Home Organized Through Every Season by Organize My Space Calgary

Keeping Your Home Organized Through Every Season

Have you decided this is your year to declutter the garage, the pantry, and all of your closets? Good for you! 

Getting your home to an organizational level that works for you and your family is well worth the investment of your time, dollars, and energy.

The benefits of getting rid of your clutter are numerous and life-changing. You will have more time, find things faster, and spend less time lost looking for stuff. You will save money by not buying duplicates of items you can’t find.

You might even make some money by selling or consigning your no longer useful items. The peace of mind and reduced stress that decluttering and organizing brings is a game-changer for your life.

Decluttering and organizing does take planning, determination, and commitment to see your home transformed. By arranging your families organizing projects by the seasons, the likelihood of completing all of your plans over time improves.

Finally Organized

The first and most important step when organizing any area is to minimize. Ask yourself what adds value to your life compared to what you don’t want, need or use. Once items are reduced, it is much easier to organize and arrange what’s left.

The second key to ultra-functional spaces is to keep like with like and knowing where everything is. Keep your daily essential items close at hand. Store away items you don’t need or use every day.

You can start organizing in any of your home however, we suggest you start with the easiest areas or projects first. Donate, consign & trash what you know can live without.

Another strategy is to start with the space that causes you the most frustration. When you get these quick wins under your belt, you will be super excited and motivated to keep going.

How Long Does It Take To Get Organized?

There are quite a few different factors to consider when determining how long each room or area will take to get organized. Some of these reasons are:

  • The size and layout of your home.
  • How long you have lived in your home.
  • The shopping habits of you and your family.
  • How much visible and hidden clutter there is.
  • Is anyone in the home is chronically disorganized or has a hard time letting go?
  • If someone in your home is a collector.
  • If everyone in the family is motivated and willing to declutter and get organized.
  • Decision making speed when decluttering.
  • Whether you get outside help from friends, family, or a professional organizer.

Decluttering Principles

  • Keep only the belongings that are relevant to your life today & define your current vision.
  • Let go of items that point to your past or parts of yourself that you want to change.
  • Only hold onto things that make your heart sing and bring you joy.
  • Release objects that make you feel sad, guilty, or unhappy with yourself or others.

Storage Principles

  • Items that are used more often should be stored within easy reach, preferably at eye level.
  • Things that are used infrequently and heavy should be stored below the waist.
  • Stuff seldom used and lighter should be stored above the head.

Basic Steps Of Organizing

  1. Remove everything
  2. Organize – put like with like
  3. Edit/declutter
  4. Clean space & keep items
  5. Containerize & label
  6. Return everything – put items where you use them

Getting Unstuck When Organizing

If you are stuck on whether to keep or get rid of an item, ask yourself these 7 questions (hint – if you say “No” to one, some or all of these questions, considering getting rid of it). The more of these decisions you make, the easier it gets:

  1. Have I used this in the last year?
  2. Will I use it in the next year?
  1. Would I buy this item again today?
  2. If it’s broken is it worth fixing or will I spare the time & money to fix it?
  3. Is it easily replaced or borrowed if I need it again?
  4. Would I keep it if I moved?
  5. Do I have a duplicate of this item in better shape?

If you are still agonizing over an item, put it in a box with a sticky note with an expiration date on it for a few months from now. If you don’t reach for the item in that time frame, remove it from your home.

Keeping Your Home Organized Through Every Season

You can start your home organizing journey at any time of the year.

We suggest starting in the spring as this is typically the time of year you are more energized for a fresh start. The months of March, April and May are when we begin thinking of clearing out the dust and dreariness from the long, cold winter months.

There is excitement that winter is over and for the promise of summer ahead. So, take advantage of the burst of get-up-and-go that spring brings to kick start your organizing projects.

Now You Can Keep Your Home Organized Through Every Season!

We have prepared for you a comprehensive and easy to use FREE resource guide to help you organize your home through every season. Our Keeping Your Home Organized Through Every Season guide includes:

  • Ready to go checklists so you can easily transform cluttered spaces in a weekend.
  • Easy to use checklists for Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter so you never have to guess where to start.
  • Expert Tips that will have your friends begging you to tell them why your house looks so amazing.
  • Love living in your home again!

Get Started Right Away Transforming Your Spaces!

Please accept this limited time offered gift to help you get and stay organized through every season.

Click on this link to receive your FREE copy of our resource guide Keeping Your Home Organized Through Every Season as our gift to you!

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I get asked this question all the time. When you claim your copy of this amazing resource book, you will too.

I created this because I am on a mission to help people like you find your freedom through organized spaces. I know this resource will be exactly what some people will need to finally get and stay organized.

By gifting this incredible resource to you, it's my way of starting our relationship together on the right foot. I want to earn your trust so that I can help you find your freedom to live your life.

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Don't forget to download your FREE copy of our resource guide Keeping Your Home Organized Through Every Season!

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About the Author

My passion is helping people find lasting freedom in their homes and businesses through my transformational organizing services and productivity solutions.

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