Category Archives for "Freedom Fridays"

Don't Expect Progress Without An Organizing Plan
May 26

Don’t Expect Progress Without An Organizing Plan

By Noreen Music | Freedom Fridays , Organizing Tips

Do you struggle with clutter and disorganization?Are you frustrated by not getting things done? Is it overwhelming to think about creating an organizing plan?Have you always wanted to make progress on clearing your clutter?You need an organizing plan.Don’t Expect Progress Without An Organizing PlanDecluttering and organizing takes planning, determination, and commitment to see your home transformed.Don’t […]

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A Day of Rest
Apr 19

A Day of Rest To Find Freedom

By Noreen Music | Freedom Fridays

A Day of RestThe ancient wisdom of resting one day a week is deeply rooted in good health practices and our natural rhythms.Science also agrees that a day of rest is imperative for your body to heal and repair itself.You need a day of rest every week from the responsibilities of your life to renew […]

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Buying Less Helps the Planet
Apr 01

Buy Less to Help Save the Planet

By Noreen Music | Freedom Fridays

Buy Less to Help Save the PlanetEarth Day 2020Earth Day is April 22nd every year and this April marks 50 years of Earth Day!This is a critical environmental movement to drive transformative change for all people and our planet.As an individual, you can contribute positively to reducing climate change by changing your consumption of single […]

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People not stuff
Mar 31

People Over Possessions

By Noreen Music | Freedom Fridays

People Over PossessionsOur loved ones are far more important than our stuff.People over possessions. Always.If you struggle with too many possessions and it is impacting the people and relationships in your life, please let us help.We promise you, no one has ever regretted making the decision to put people over their possessions.We are always here for […]

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Buying Less Means Less Clutter
Mar 31

Buying Less Means Less Clutter

By Noreen Music | Freedom Fridays

Buying Less Means Less ClutterDo you want more energy, more money and more time to pursue the things in your life that bring you real happiness?Then buy less, choose wisely and take care of your things to make them last.It sounds simple and it really is.Buying LessBuying less means less clutter. Less clutter leads to […]

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Take 15 minutes a day
Mar 20

Take 15 Minutes A Day

By Noreen Music | Freedom Fridays

Take 15 Minutes a DayWhat changes do you need to make in your life to find just 15 minutes a day to spend time in nature? Spending time in nature has a magical way of making you happier and isn’t this what you want more of?Benefits of spending time outdoorsSpending time in nature benefits your brain […]

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